Friday, August 23, 2013

You know, why do MCs always ask how old would they go (they being EXO & old being how old of a woman) and not how young? I'm sorry, I'm curious. Then, maybe I can actually give up on them if they say they wouldn't date someone as young as me (um 5 years/6 years anyone?). It would hurt, but I would at least be able to get over them. Thanks a lot MCs!!! Thanks a lot freaking fans!!!! YOU DON'T FREAKING UNDERSTAND D:.

Anyway, that's not what I'm really going to talk about today. I'm going to talk a little about colors, fashion, style, etc. So, what kind of style do you think you have? I was looking up some more information about Sehun the other day (I'm soorrryyyyyyy) and basically I saw things like favorite colors, birthday, fashion style, etc. I started commenting about it and stuff, but anyway, that's what brought me to write this.
So, his favorite colors are apparently black & white. I totally get him. They are so simple and work perfectly with pretty much anything. I love black especially. That started making me think about my own favorite colors. Red & Black. They also happen to be my favorite color combo. But, do you know why? It's kinda creepy, but I started liking them since like forever and it's because I grew up super tomboyish, so I never thought things were gross like some other girls and I would do a lot of dares. It was weird. I'm not going to go into that. Maybe another day. Anyway, I liked the combo because red=blood & black=death/darkness. I'll let that sink in for a little bit. Isn't that weird? I mean, I know I was pretty messed up, but this is even more messed up...
Anyway, now onto his style. "Neat" What the heck is that supposed to mean? Neat like he dresses formally or what? Anyway, that made me think of my own style. My style isn't really a style. Basically what I have is a tub full of clothes, but the ones I actually wear are the ones on top. Anyway, so every morning I'll just open it up and grab the first clothes I see and put them on. Usually it works out okay, but yeah... I like dressing comfortably & cute for certain things. I do have combos I prefer, but typically I don't bother unless it's something that I want to show off a little more in. Anyway, I don't really wear skirts or dresses. I'm still quite a tomboy. I do wear them if it's a seriously special occasion i.e. I'm forced to/it's a wedding/graduation/a dance I have to go to/etc. Anyway, so that's my style. Fashion is just stupid. Style is something personal, while fashion is something someone suddenly decides to make and people follow it. It's stupid and it changes all the time, so buying clothes just for the fashion is pointless. Little rant over.
Anyway, back to that whole how old would you go thing. Sehun was asked that in this show/interview I was watching and I have to admit that I didn't feel all that good at his answer. He says that he likes noonas a lot right, but let's face it, I'm freaking 5 years older (oops, I meant younger)... I hate this. Then, he said that he likes all girls (not that way guys, not that way) and I couldn't stop thinking about the whole noona thing. Plus he admires BoA which somehow makes me jealous for no freaking reason since I don't even know him personally. It shouldn't bother me, yet it does. Help me people. I don't understand anything.

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