Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Yo! So, before I completely forget (AGAIN), here's that extra long post you've been waiting for (not) and I'm sure you are just dying (again, not) to know about me and my brother as well as some other stuff. So, here it is.

So, me and my bro... we've always been close, you know? I was a serious tomboy in elementary school mostly because of him. He used to be really interested and in sports and stuff, so he would play with me in the backyard. We'd play football (well, 'catch' technically, but whatevs), soccer (passing & stuff), and baseball (again, 'catch' technically). He'd teach me stuff like the correct way to hold & throw a football, so that it's a perfect spiral. and stuff like that. Right now, I still mess up A LOT when it comes to throwing a perfect spiral, but for the most part, I can. We'd have a ton of fun together. Actually, he played soccer on a local team during middle school. Besides sports though, there are a few other memories I love. One of which includes his birthday. So, basically his birthday was the day and we went to Toys R Us or something, so that he could pick something as a gift using the money he got. And I saw this bin of stuffed dogs and I really wanted one (I was like 5 or something at the time, so pre-scar). He used some of his birthday money to buy it for me and that's one of my favorite memories of being with him. Another memory was in the 8th grade (when he was in the 8th grade). He had started playing video games, but it wasn't that bad yet. The TV that's currently in my room was in the living room then and his X-box was all set up there with his games. Sometimes I would sit next to him and watch him play. Tell him where some people were/where to shoot and stuff. At one point, he also tried to teach me how to play, but I just couldn't get it. When he wasn't playing his games, sometimes we would watch movies together and there was this particular one with Tom Cruise in it or something and it was like a whole typical alien thing and since it was nighttime and I was relatively young, I was scared as hell. During the day, when we watched it again at another time, it was fine, but I was scared. He didn't do anything I don't think, but him being there kinda helped me just get through it all. Anyway, another memory in 8th grade (when he was in the 8th grade) was when he went to DC on a school trip for about a week. There was also the trip in 7th grade that was a couple days, but had the same result. I really missed him. He was an awesome brother, so I seriously missed him. Anyway, when he got back from the DC trip, he had gotten me a souvenir. I love that pony to this day. But, in high school. That basically all changed. He started playing more and more video games and was on his computer like all the time. He kept buying things and sometimes he would buy things for his friends. Then, my parents started getting angrier and angrier. Sometimes, they would fight and yell a lot downstairs and I would have to be in bed, you know? I wasn't really allowed to listen in. In the beginning, I could because it wasn't so bad. I'd be the one to hand my brother tissues if he cried and things like that. But later on, I started crying myself. It just got bad. It would be during times when I'm in the middle of sleep, but wake up to hear yelling and stuff outside and I wouldn't be able to sleep. Sometimes I would go downstairs knowing full well what was going on and be told to go back up. It would wrap up soon after. I just started closing my door. Somewhere along the way though, near the time we're in now, my brother got a bit better about it. There's no more yelling. No more arguing. Things are better now and that's basically my story about my brother. Also, I forgot to mention this, but my brother was really smart. I still believe that he is really smart, but his grades started slipping and he was getting 60s, 70s as his grades when those video games practically became his life. Now, he's slowly getting better, but because his grades had slipped so badly, his GPA isn't that great, so he's taking a year off to self-study and what not to apply to colleges again. I had seen the rejection letters, so I know. I sincerely hope my brother can get into a good college and get a good job. Please God. Please.

Readers, um, my first review will come soon. I've just been killing myself lately, so yeah. Okay, bye!

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