Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I'm super forgetful if you didn't know, so I completely forgot to write anything yesterday!!! AKHDaklhdglhlbn,xcnvbmxnhWE

Well, I'm here now, so let's get started k?

Let's start with my cousin. My female cousin I was talking about before. Okay, well, she's only a year older than me, so we were really close. When I was little (3 or 4 or something like that), we used to play together all the time especially with this little green chair that is sooooo unbalanced, but it's a dear memory to me, so I love it. We always had fun. As we grew up and she had to go to school. I would help her with math sometimes (btw, I lived in my grandma's house at the time, so from like 3 or something the multiplication tables up to 9 was drilled in my head) and we would still have a lot of fun. Eventually I had to go to school as well and we grew a bit farther apart because I moved to where I live now and I moved to another school. We never went to the same school or anything, but because we lived in the same household, we could always talk and whatnot. I went to my grandma's house on the weekends and we would talk. In elementary school, we would play pretend games and talk about what happened in school. Sometimes we would pretend that we were on a bus and we packed a lunch in a lunch bag which basically consisted of a nutella sandwich and 2 apples. I loved to play it and we would always sing praises about how delicious that sandwich was. Anyway, we would sometimes have dance parties where we would close the blinds and dance/rock out (remember how I said I could only dance in front of my cousin?). She would never judge me and honestly, we typically had the same moves up our sleeves :).

Then, middle school came. We saw each other less because she moved with her mom (she doesn't have a dad) to an apartment. But, whenever we did see eachother we would talk like oldtimes and talk about boys and all that other stuff you talk about in middle school (early middle school anyway). We would always have the same taste and stuff, so it was kinda weird. However, that didn't last. During middle school, we drifted apart more and more. She had her friends that she liked talking & hanging out with more than me. Me? I was a shy person, so I ended up being a bit of a loner with a few friends. My friends wouldn't always hang out with me though, so I was a bit lonely. I would be at my grandma's house while my mom's talking in the kitchen with my aunts & uncles reading or listening to music and staring blankly at a wall. Sometimes my grandma would talk to me and tell me stories about her childhood, but sometimes, I wasn't in the mood, but I listened anyway. Her childhood was during WWII, so it was bad. Really bad. I'm not going to go into that.

Anyway, the only times when it would be fun is when my other cousins came. My younger cousin and my older cousin. I never held grudges over that whole scratching my cheek incident and we got along well. Actually, I can't really hold grudges over anything. I'll try to, but a few days later and I forgot about it already. Then again, those incidents weren't even that big of a deal. If it was major, like heart-breaking major, I would probably hit something(-one). So, now, my relationship with my female cousin isn't amazing. We talk sometimes, but whenever we see each other, we barely talk unless I start joking around and stuff. Funnily enough, she's one of the only people who actually get my jokes. I don't know why, but my jokes seem to just suck everywhere else or they just don't get it. Before, she used to sleep over at my house for a week in the summer and we would have tons of fun. I loved when she came. Now, she's always with her friends or something and I'm, well, I'm writing this blog and stuff aren't I.

Also, one more thing that's related to her, but I had no clue where to put it in. Her mom, started dating this guy, right, and he has this son. I swear that his son had a crush on me, but I would be like, "Get away." I kid you not, I was sitting on the couch, right (This was during a New Years/Christmas party I think with family). There's soooo much space on either side of me, but he sits next to me. I'm like, "Okaaaaay...." and I shift to the left. Guess what? He shifts to the left too. So I keep moving away and he keeps moving with me. Eventually, I just get up and go find my cousins and we hang out.

Also, about that guy that's his dad. This is a story from my cousin who was at the place when it happened. So, basically, my aunt invited them (my cousins & her boyfriend & son?) to this park thing. I think it was Dorney or D-something park. Anyway, not important. So, all throughout the day, my aunt and her boyfriend would be showing public affection right? (Btw, I was not there) Apparently though, it was REALLY gross.
So eventually, they are on this ride that was like a boat I believe and it was really sunny out. So, my older cousin is steering and he notices that the guy & him (idk if his son was there) were in the shade, but my aunt & cousins were in the sun. So, he goes to turn the boat, so that all of them are in the shade, but what does that guy do??!! He freaking tells him to stop. YOU are going to tell HIM to STOP?!!! YOUR GIRLFRIEND is in the bloody sun and you tell HIM to STOP?!!! Um, what's wrong with that? I'll tell you what the fuck is wrong with that. That is some bull crap. She's in the hot sun and it is not fun. DO YOU UNDERSTAND???!!!! All my cousin wanted to do was turn the boat, so ALL of you were in the sun, but YOU tell HIM to STOP?!!! You know what you should do? Get off your fat ass and go sit in the sun. Tell me how you fucking feel after an hour.

There's my rant & life story of the past 3 days. Sorry for not posting guys. I hope this made it up to you! BTW, feel free to comment what you feel. I want to know.

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