Saturday, August 17, 2013

Yo! I just wanted to say that I'm going to try to do daily blog posts, but because of school (I'm actually "moving"& going to another harder school this year), I might not get to it, so enjoy it while you can bitches!

Anyway, here's my life story of the day.
I already told you about how I punched a guy in 2nd grade right? Basically, 2nd grade was my wildest year. Or was it 3rd grade that this happened... I don't remember, but it did happen, so here's the story. Basically in 2nd or 3rd grade... you know what? I think it was 2nd, so let's just go with that. Anyway, in 2nd grade, I went to my cousins' house with my brother, mom, and dad. Essentially, in that household, I had an older cousin that was my brother's age and a younger cousin about 3 years younger than me. So, my brother and my older cousin were hanging out with each other while me and my younger cousin were playing together. I think it was that we wanted to play with the soccer ball, but my brother & my younger cousin's brother wouldn't let us. Eventually, I think I stole it away and hid it away from them while we played with something else. They came to find and kept asking us where it was. I told them I didn't know where it was and they knew I was lying or something like that. Anyway, eventually, we (my older cousin and I) took up sticks. Big ones too. I know, how stupid could we have gotten. I don't know specifically what happened, so a few facts could be skewed, but basically we started fighting. I know, a what was it 6? 7? whatever amount year old fighting a 10/11 year old guy... such a bad move. We were fighting and eventually, his stick actually cut me. My face to be exact. We completely panicked. It was a pretty deep cut. We went in and I was freaking out. I think I was crying and everything. Anyway, it was cleaned up and bandaged and we went home. I don't know what happened to my older cousin, but I doubt anything good happened. To this day, I still have a scar on my left cheek. It's still there. I want it to stay there too. It's a part of me and a part of a memory I don't ever want to forget. You see, I'm really protective of people right? So, every time my older and younger cousins get in a fight, I'm always the one who gets in between them. I get knocked around a bit sometimes, but I generally succeed in getting them to stop. So, yeah. That's a part of me and my life.

I want to also say something else though. I'm not tall, like at all. My friends are all at least an inch taller than me if not more. I'm always the one looking up at them. It's kinda annoying, but that's not really the problem. The problem is clothing. What I want to ask the world is WTF are "normal" sizes? Why do you assume that everyone can wear "normal" or "average" sizes? HUH?!!!! Why can't you make clothing specifically for taller or shorter people or create a brand for taller & shorter people. Seriously. Every single time I need to go buy new clothes, (like today for example), I pretty much never find a size that fits in the clothing brands that are supposedly for my age. I actually get embarrassed walking into the stores because I pretty much know nothing is going to fit, or I'm going to look so weird, and my baby face soooo doesn't help anything. I look something like a 5th/6th grader and I'm going into high school. And, for God's sake, I DO NOT want to keep buying clothes from the children section. I'm SICK of it. OKAY? I can't keep doing it. I'm going into high school with these stupid ass prints all because I am too short for the juniors/teens section. God damn it. You know, it's either that I'm too short or my bust size is too small. WTF. WTF does my bust size have to do with it. Sorry for not having a huge rack like some other girls. Jeez. I just don't understand why there can't just be some clothing specifically made for shorter people. MAKE ONE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!! Actually, in my future, I plan to also learn how to make dresses/clothing and I'm going to sell one of a kind clothing on Etsy. I'll only make 1 of everything and make them specifically for shorter or taller people, so no one will have the problem I do. Thank you and amen to that.

There's my rant and life story of the day. Did you enjoy it? Good, so go subscribe. It's just on the right. Stop being lazy and move your fat finger across your trackpad already.

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