Thursday, August 22, 2013

About the last post, I guess what I really should've said was, no one fucking gives a damn anyway, so whatever, broke bitch. (Sorry I'm a DavidSoComedy fan)

Anyway... what to talk about... have I talked about celebrity crushes yet? Yeah, oh well then... have I told you about how I'm writing some EXO fanfics? No, but you don't care? Oh, okay that's cool too. Have I written about how I feel like I have no feelings like AT ALL (besides a couple)??? No? Cool, then that's what I'll write about today.

First feeling, love. Basically the basis of all the other feelings, but yeah. Love. I don't get it. I don't feel it either. So, I'm kinda obsessed with Tao, Sehun, and Cheondung of EXO & MBLAQ respectively, right? But, I always think, "Do I really love them?" My answer is usually something like this, "I don't know, but I don't think so. I mean I don't fully know them or anything, so how could I. Not to mention, they are all at least 5 years older than me and they wouldn't fall for me even if I did meet them. But they are so cute and their smiles are AHHHH!!! Their arms. THEIR FREAKING ARMS... do I have an arm fetish now? WTF... KALfh;lkahgjkvh;slifjb,mbn,mb" So, yeah, it basically ends with my brain melting. I don't understand love. I don't think I'm at the right age where I can actually have a lasting relationship, but at the same time, I want a boyfriend. It makes no sense. I don't even approve the couples in my school. They never last anyway. Seriously. There are also those one or two popular guys/girls that have gone out with like ALL the other popular people. Um... okay. The longest one lasted maybe a year.... I'm not sure really. I don't know. Forget it... Anyway, I don't get love. I don't know if I can even love someone anymore. I DON'T GET IT!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

Second feeling, sadness. I'm starting to believe that I can't feel sad. At all. For some stupid reason, whenever something bad happens and I'm supposed to be sad, I can't cry or anything. I actually smile and laugh. I don't know why, but that's my natural response. IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!

Third feeling, can't think of anything else. These are the main ones. You know, I even wrote a few paragraphs about the whole 'What is love' thing... God. Anyway, see ya'll later.

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