Saturday, September 21, 2013

Like I said in my last post, I'm going to write a little life story today! Yay!

Let's talk about that friend I was mentioning before, shall we?
Okay, so I've known her since 2nd (?) grade or 4th (?) grade I believe, but we really only became really good friends in 7th grade. It's weird like that. Anyway, she's basically a girly girl and wants to make me into one. I know, THE HORRORRRRRR!!! I'm already becoming girlier because of EXO, but honestly, I still want to keep some of my tomboyishness. I think I said this already actually. Anyway, we did a lot of things together (played Just Dance AKA the only exercise I bothered doing this summer, doing OVA AKA Olympics of the Visual Arts which is total BS because the judges are soooooo biased it's not even funny and because they are so fucking stupid, they didn't get our on the spot project. WHAT DON'T YOU GET??? IT'S A FUCKING CAKE THAT'S BLACK WITH 30 CANDLES WITH HAND-GLUED WICKS AND A DRAWING OF A HAND BRINGING A MATCH WHOSE FLAME IS THE ONLY COLOR IN THE DRAWING WHICH BRINGS YOUR GAZE TOWARDS IT! THE SMOKE SPELLS FRICKING OVA!! WHAT DO YOU NOT GET???
Small tangent here. The on the spot project was to make something that had to do with 30 and OVA. At first we were going to do something stupid like write 30 and use the 0 as an O, but then, I remembered that it was the 30th anniversary of OVA, so I thought to draw a cake with 30 candles on it and whatnot. My other friend who was also with us then came up with the whole black thing with a single spot of color (the flame). We literally cut thirty fucking pieces of this string and hand-glued the wicks onto the candles and then we found out that we didn't fucking win 1st place because they "didn't get it". DAFUQ DO YOU NOT GET???
I'm still kinda pissed even now, especially since the people who did win in each of the categories were almost all from the same fucking school over and over and over again. YEAH, BIASED MUCH?!!!
Ugh, I'm too worked up now to write a new life story, so there it is. My life story of the day/week... idk.

Also, if my friend ever reads this.
Really? I'll friend-zone him? Dafuq do you want from me???? Stop making it seem like I'm guy crazy. I'M NOT!!! I swe** every single time. You seem to tease me about guys. The hell? What makes you think this??!! I don't get it!!!!! TToTT

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