Saturday, September 21, 2013

Like I said in my last post, I'm going to write a little life story today! Yay!

Let's talk about that friend I was mentioning before, shall we?
Okay, so I've known her since 2nd (?) grade or 4th (?) grade I believe, but we really only became really good friends in 7th grade. It's weird like that. Anyway, she's basically a girly girl and wants to make me into one. I know, THE HORRORRRRRR!!! I'm already becoming girlier because of EXO, but honestly, I still want to keep some of my tomboyishness. I think I said this already actually. Anyway, we did a lot of things together (played Just Dance AKA the only exercise I bothered doing this summer, doing OVA AKA Olympics of the Visual Arts which is total BS because the judges are soooooo biased it's not even funny and because they are so fucking stupid, they didn't get our on the spot project. WHAT DON'T YOU GET??? IT'S A FUCKING CAKE THAT'S BLACK WITH 30 CANDLES WITH HAND-GLUED WICKS AND A DRAWING OF A HAND BRINGING A MATCH WHOSE FLAME IS THE ONLY COLOR IN THE DRAWING WHICH BRINGS YOUR GAZE TOWARDS IT! THE SMOKE SPELLS FRICKING OVA!! WHAT DO YOU NOT GET???
Small tangent here. The on the spot project was to make something that had to do with 30 and OVA. At first we were going to do something stupid like write 30 and use the 0 as an O, but then, I remembered that it was the 30th anniversary of OVA, so I thought to draw a cake with 30 candles on it and whatnot. My other friend who was also with us then came up with the whole black thing with a single spot of color (the flame). We literally cut thirty fucking pieces of this string and hand-glued the wicks onto the candles and then we found out that we didn't fucking win 1st place because they "didn't get it". DAFUQ DO YOU NOT GET???
I'm still kinda pissed even now, especially since the people who did win in each of the categories were almost all from the same fucking school over and over and over again. YEAH, BIASED MUCH?!!!
Ugh, I'm too worked up now to write a new life story, so there it is. My life story of the day/week... idk.

Also, if my friend ever reads this.
Really? I'll friend-zone him? Dafuq do you want from me???? Stop making it seem like I'm guy crazy. I'M NOT!!! I swe** every single time. You seem to tease me about guys. The hell? What makes you think this??!! I don't get it!!!!! TToTT

Friday, September 20, 2013

You know, I've noticed something. It's the stupidest thing ever to notice, but I've noticed that the guys I like always seem to be about a foot taller than me, make me want to back hug them, have kinda messy hair, are typically older than me, but childish, and stuff... dafuq.... how did this develop? I don't get myself anymore. I need to just go and bang my head repeatedly on a wall somewhere. Why did I even get onto this topic? Oh yeah, my friend was talking about how I would definitely friend zone this new guy friend I made today (or I think I did... I'm too awkward for this shit...) eventually... Um... okay, but that would require someone actually liking me which is like no one, so ha ha ha ha ha ha...

I promise that my next post will include a life story. Those are the most interesting after all :P

Monday, September 16, 2013

Yo wassuuuuuuup?!!! How ya'll doing? Seriously. Is there anyone actually reading this. I said before and I'm going to say it again. When the hell are people actually going to read my posts? Like I said, I'm POURING MY LIFE STORIES OUT HERE. The LEAST YOU COULD DO IS READ IT!!

Anyway, the past week has been uneventful. To quote my fellow freshie, I was "adjusting to Stuyvesant". Yup. I'm still adjusting and, so far, I hate geometry. I don't get it/it's moving too fast/what the hell are we doing???!!!

I'll figure it out eventually, but right now, I'm lost as FUCK.
Anyway... let's just move on.

I'm not as super obsessed anymore (yay me!). Mostly because I don't get to follow them as much. They've had their goodbye stages already, so *cry* I won't be able to see them for another year. But, I'm also happy because they can hopefully get some rest now. I know they've been extremely tired and actually, I have too, but irrelevant. I want them to have a good rest. I want them to be able to speak and meet their family and friends and have a little reunion. I remember commenting on one of their stages that they looked really stiff and they didn't look like they were having fun. That's the last thing I want to happen. I want them to be happy. If it means that I have to wait, then so be it. I don't mind because if they aren't happy, I'm not. You know what I mean? Anyway, I'm going to sign off because I need to finish my HW and stop procrastinating, but I'm back and I'll be writing some more life stories soon! Bye~!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My first day was an absolute disaster. Absolutely no time to go to my locker, so I was basically hauling 2 textbooks into each fucking class. Lunch was confusing as hell. How the heck was I supposed to know that I needed my ID huh?? How was I supposed to know that I had to pay at a freaking kiosk? I had no fucking info. After 1 freaking day, I'm already tired as fuck. I hate it. I still want to finish this school even though I pretty much only got... Um... 6? Hours of sleep. Thanks a fuck lot.
Exo is one of the only things keeping me alive right now. Except, I want to meet them so much that I always seem to cry. Stop making me cry EXO!
Talk later...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Don't read the depression post. I get depressed from time to time and then get really happy from time to time and really pissed from time to time, etc. etc. Seriously.
Anyway, I cut my hair yesterday!!! It's shorter and I kinda like it. My hair was growing too slowly, so I decided to take my friends advice and cut it... I hope it grows faster, but at the same time, I like this length. I think I'll grow it out long enough and then cut it to this length again. I like it!! Anyway, you can probably tell by now that I'm in one of my ridiculously happy & optimistic periods... *sigh* anyway... you might wonder why I want to grow it out so bad. Well, I basically want to grow it out to see if I like it long & so that I can cut it and send it to charity. Yep, that's right. To charity. It might seem kind of stupid, but it's what I want to do. Anyway, bye guys!! School starts tomorrow and I'm super confused and still need to do some things. Bye~

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I feel really depressed right now. It's probably really stupid of me to write this out, but who cares. I'll be embarrassed all over the internet. Big deal. Okay, fine, it's not that bad.
I'm just feeling depressed. Why? Simply because of a little thing called celebrity crushes. You see, I kinda figured out what I've been thinking for a while. You see, I was wondering if I really liked/loved Cheondung (MBLAQ), Tao (EXO-M), and Sehun (EXO-K). My answer? I don't think I really love Cheondung or Tao. I just think they are really good looking. But for Sehun... it's kinda different. Somehow I'm jealous over little things like him being in that damn sitcom... I know I won't see him either, but if I did... I would probably tell him. Just so he could reject me. If I saw him and he rejected me, I think I could get over it. The more I think about him having a girlfriend the more I don't feel good. This post probably isn't even making sense right now, but maybe after tonight, I'll feel better. I don't know... I want a nice boyfriend, you know? But, why did I have to fall in love with someone that's 5 1/2 years older than me + is a celebrity? That's BS. Bye.

Update: Ha! I'm in denial again and no, I don't love him. That's not possible. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. I haven't even met him how could I? He doesn't even know me... But, I don't love him. Of course not. Ha! ha ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha Nope. I don't love him. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm going to be working on a lot of stuff, so I won't be posting for the next few days. I'll post more often once I get into school though. Much more "exciting" (yeah, sure...) stuff will probably happen, so wish me luck with you know, friends and stuff (I'm an awkward bitch. Let's face it)... Bye~