Sunday, May 11, 2014

Okay, so I just thought about writing this life story of mine because lately, my friends and I have been talking about what love feels like and past crushes and stuff.
So, pretty much every year from elementary school on, I've had a "crush" on some guy. But it was even a crush, it was just like "Oh, that guy is cute" and the next year, I would move on to some other guy. Honestly, there was only one guy who actually made it past that first year and I "liked" him for 2 years before I moved on.
Anyway, there were two guys in particular that I'm going to talk about today. The reason is that when I liked those guys, one of my friends (different friends in each situation) also liked him. We didn't hate each other for it or anything, but it was like that. The stupid thing is, for some reason, we both decided to confess together to that guy.
The first time it happened, I think we each just said something along the lines of "I like you, ________." After all of that, he ended up dating my friend.
The second time, we both went up to him during work time in class and listed good qualities in him and somewhere along the way, we confessed. Again, he ended up dating my friend.
So... basically, to sum up, in each of those "crushes", the friend that also liked him confessed with me and each and every time, he ended up with my friend.
I mean, I didn't really care afterwards because I didn't even really like them that way, to be honest. I just thought I did at the time, I guess. Plus, the girl was my friend, so I couldn't really get mad at her. But seriously guys. What is so wrong with me? To be honest, I'd love for you guys just to tell me your first impression of me because it's like no guy can ever see me that way. In school, even during P.E, if some girl gets hurt, the teacher will always call out to her and asks her if she's okay, but if I get hurt, no one gives a fuck. It's like they think I'm a guy or something. Guess what? I'M A BLOODY GIRL, GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEADS ALREADY!! I'm sorry that I can't act more girly and cuter. I'm sorry that I can't take the time to really give a fuck towards what the hell I'm wearing. I'm sorry that I can't react the same way as a girl in public. I'm fucking sorry, but could you stop treating me as if I'm a guy? I'm NOT! I'm a girl, too, for God's sake. I really am. Why can't you guys see that?
Anyway, that's my little life story for today. Thanks for reading :).

By the way, I'm doing an I-search project right now and I need to interview either a K-pop idol and/or a person in the business that's involved in casting, training/trainees, and actual idol life and is very knowledgable about each of them. If you fit in one of these categories, will you comment below? Thank you!

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