Monday, October 28, 2013

Lately, I've been neglecting a lot of things outside of school. I hate it! But, I don't have any time for much else besides school and it sucks ASS. Anyway, also, I want to say that recently, I've realized something. In this school, it seems like the only thing I'm doing is keeping the information taught fresh enough in my mind to pass a damn test. That's stupid. Life isn't about tests. It's about applying that information we learn, but in this school, we have like NO TIME to fully remember and understand all this info. In my old school, I would actually learn it not memorize for a short period of time and push it to the back of my head again. Geez.

Also, about neglecting things, I've been neglecting a lot of things whether it's writing my fanfics (Yeah, I write fanfics. Deal with it.) to writing reviews on my other blog to voice-acting, I'm completely neglecting it and I don't like that. I feel like I'm letting absolutely everyone down. Sometimes I really hate my life and I feel really stressed everyday and honestly, the only thing keeping me going is music (EXO, MBLAQ, Minna Arigatou Gozaimasu), Japanese class (Favorite class!), Chorus (2nd favorite class), and my friends. I have friends at my old school too, but I made new ones there and I really want to keep them. They are awesome too!

On friends, it's kinda weird. It's like everyone I associate with or are friends with and also friends with my other friends and it's like we're all interconnected somehow and it's just weird. I don't know how else to explain it. Also on friends, about me really, I am not that outgoing. Compared to other people, I don't have people surrounding me all the time, so it can get lonely and I feel kinda isolated. At the same time, I can blend with others pretty well and I can talk to pretty much anyone. I don't know if that's really good or bad. Also, about my personality... err... let's just say, it attracts a certain type of person to be my friend. You see, popular people can attract anyone to them and make them their friend right, but me, although I can blend with anyone, that doesn't mean I'm friends with them. My friends are typically a bit quirky and are most likely similar to me. I don't know what I'm really saying anymore and my mind's kinda jumbled up, but I hope this post made somewhat sense and I'm gonna get off. I will hopefully be able to work on my other projects soon!! But now... TOO MUCH HW. HELP ME!!!! \(TT^TT)/

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