Sunday, July 20, 2014

To Baekhyun (백현)

Okay, so by now, if any of you out there are EXOtics, you've probably heard that Baekhyun has a girlfriend. SNSD's Taeyeon. Yup, EXO's Baekhyun has a girlfriend. ... Okay, well, great. I was angry before, but not so much now. I've just gotten a bit more healed than before I guess.
Anyway, so I just wanted to say something to him, just in case he didn't read my comment before on Instagram. It's kinda pointless and stupid to do this, but I want to and it's my blog, so let me be stupid, childish, and maybe even selfish for once. So... here goes. (It was so long that I actually saved it on Google Drive, so yeah, I still have it even though he deleted the Instagram post.)

백현. Look, 1) You shouldn't have to apologize for this. You love her. She loves you. It is perfectly fine for you two to be together, so after this apology, please just stop apologizing. Let's be real. You didn't do anything wrong. If I had to say one thing you did wrong, I would just say lying to your fans about it instead of coming out and telling us. For me, that hurts more than you being with her. 2) It will be hard for a lot of us to accept it. I know that some of us need to just take a break from EXO to heal from it, but I'm sure we'll bounce back and support you guys just as much as before. So, please don’t worry about it. For now, those that have already accepted it will support you all until we come back from being hurt. (Btw, those that say that we aren’t true fans because we don’t accept it, please just stop. It’s those that do something about it by hurting them that are not real fans. Also, could we all agree to stop talking about it? People need to heal and if you all keep bringing the damn subject up and talking about it, how are they to get away from it and heal properly? Please guys.) 3) I guess the reason why we’re so hurt is because you guys seemed so close to us and in a way, by being an idol, you almost promised not to do this. Obviously, we need to realize that we’re all human. We all fall in love and we are all allowed to fall in love. So, I apologize for thinking that way myself. 4) Are you okay from all the stupid things people have done to you after the news of this? It’s ridiculous that they’ve done that to you and being part of the fandom, I apologize to you for this as well. 5) Bottom line is, you didn’t really do anything wrong. We realize that you have reflected on it, so stop apologizing. Continue doing your best in EXO and if EXO does suffer or has suffered a blow from this news, then you’ll just have to work harder to get past it. I believe in you; we believe in you, so fighting! :)

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