Sunday, February 2, 2014

Look, I know I haven't written a post in forever and I'm sorry, but right now, let's talk, okay?
So, most recently, I had my finals and WOOOHOOOOO!!!! They are freaking over *dancing like a madman and singing crazily off-key*. For this semester anyway *awwww*. And I guess I felt like talking again.
Well, first, since it's a topic I usually talk about, I guess I should start with this. Why the hell do I start whining like a little bitch to this guy, huh? I don't get it. Recently, I've been seriously weird. Whining, acting "cute", whatever the fuck I pretty much hate and don't stand for. And it's mostly to that one guy. No, I don't think I like him. Why? I don't feel weird when talking to him anymore... well, unless it gets dragged out... but besides that, um, not really. There was also this weird weird day when I decided to do something really weird. I know, three weirds. It's that bad. I guess I should start with a time before that, though. I'm not sure if I wrote it already, but whatever. Here's a refresher I guess.
So, there was this one day when we had history and after class was over, he side-hugged me and I kinda pushed him lightly away and broke away. There weren't any words exchanged and it was the day before break, so... yeah. That's the thing before this thing.
So now, what happened more recently, but not that recently. Okay, so near the end of class (we had a sub), he sort of told me to hug him. He said his friends told him to or some shit and I was like *looking at him confusedly/weirdly* "no...?" So, he walked up to me and hugged me and the entire time I was kinda just sitting and not moving. Then, when class ended, he stole my jacket and wouldn't give it back. Here's where the weird stuff started... I started to... whine and kinda complain to him to give me my jacket back and he wouldn't. Then, I believe I put my hand on his head like I was about to pat his head or something and I eventually grabbed my jacket. So, at this point, I had my jacket, so I left right? WRONG. SOOOOOOO WRONG. For whatever reason my mind came up with at the time, I opened my arms up, inviting him to hug me kinda thing and we hugged. We broke away and I left. Ummm.... I don't know what's happened to me and I kinda had a brain meltdown afterwards as to why the fuck I did that, but yeah. Soooo... guy story of the day *thumbs up* yay :).

Moving on, I want to talk a bit about Valentine's Day. Soo... Valentine's Day. Hmmm... what to say really. I guess I should start with the fact that before probably this year, I've always considered Valentine's Day to be pointless and stupid (except for during elementary school. I mean, I loved the free candy and stuff, so ;P) mostly because nothing ever happened on that day for me. You know, no chocolate exchanged or anything and like no guy with me anyway, so I was like "This is stupid" every year, but it didn't bother me that much that I didn't have anything that day. I just felt kinda idk... left out? Or something like that. My friends typically had boyfriends except for a few of them and it just felt weird. But, this year, the girls in my Japanese class is basically required to give chocolates to a guy they feel okay with in the class and come White Day (March 14th), the guys will give something back to the girls. Now, me, personally, I don't have anyone in particular to give anything to, so I decided to just give everyone something. No, I don't expect everyone to give me anything back, but I hope that a few will on White Day. Anyway, this whole thing makes the day more exciting and fun and although it was messy, I made one batch of truffles this weekend and I plan on making the brownies that'll go with the piece of chocolate next weekend or the day before. Anyway, I hope your Valentine's Day will go well and I'm going to end this post here. Bye~

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