Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oh, and also, to all K-pop groups out there, you have to realize something.
Your fans are NOT fans of your COMPANY, they are all fans of YOU.
If you are having problems between companies and yourself or if there's anything wrong with your contract or anything really, you are ALLOWED and ABLE to speak up for yourself and try to change it.
Your fans will follow YOU and side with YOU, not your COMPANY. Do you understand now?
We care about YOU and want to watch YOU, we don't care about your COMPANY, but if they are doing wrong, we want to know and I feel that sometimes we deserve to know.

In any case, no matter if this post makes sense or not. It's late at night, I haven't slept well in forever because of school (the bane of my existence) and may or may not be slightly dizzy, but point is, if there's something wrong going on in your life/company, feel free to speak out about it. Netizens? You don't realize how far your reach goes. Not all of us are that picky about what you say. SPEAK OUT.

BTS, EXO, K-pop [Thoughts]

Why is everything happening so quickly. Why are my predictions coming true? I thought EXO would go down, but I never pictured this... Luhan, I understand if you leave. It's saddening, but if it's to take care of yourself and your health. Do it. Don't try to push yourself too hard/to the point of breaking. It's not worth it. 
Whatever happens, take care of yourself. I love you (in a friendly kind of way?) and we will try to support you as much as we can, I'm sure :).

As for my predictions, I wrote this this past summer: