Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Please Help Us Fund "Japan Class Trip 2016"

Okay, so this is a sort of weird post today. Nothing EXO related (I think I just heard you all say a collective "Thank God"), nothing life-story related, just something that's important to me and my classmates.

So, I never told you all this (I don't think), but I've been taking Japanese for this past year in my high school. And my class has been awesome. My sensei is the best teacher I have in my school, and the class is funny, but I learn a lot from it.
My thoughts, actions, and reactions have changed ever since I've taken this class, and I've learned to really love Japanese and Japan itself (well, from class and from anime/manga). My class has too.
So recently, we thought that we should all go to Japan as a class, but we have a problem. We need help with funding. That's what this post is about (although, it probably doesn't make too much sense since I'm rambling).
We created a campaign on to try to help us fund this trip since funding is our main problem, and once we get past it, we can and will make this trip happen.
The page is here:, and I'm just asking you to please donate if possible. We would greatly appreciate any money you can give us.
Thank you so much for reading and I promise to be back with another life story soon. Anyway, please donate and I'll see you guys around. Bye :D!