Monday, April 14, 2014

1st Kpop Concert Ever (B.A.P Live On Earth 2014: New York)

So, yesterday, I had one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had so far in my life. It was just crazily fun.
I went to a B.A.P concert.
Ahhhh! Ok, now calm the frick down.
The entire experience from ticket buying to just being there was crazy. I initially wasn't able to get tickets because apparently, they had a glitch that said that all the tickets were already sold out. When I found out that that was the reason, I cried. Wow, I know, get a damn hold on your emotions girl, but I couldn't. I thought about what if it was EXO? I would never forgive them. But luckily, sure enough, people were selling them on Facebook like the next day. And luckily enough for me, someone from my school was selling one, which I, of course, bought right away. Then, it was a bit of a waiting game to wait for the tickets to arrive to her and schedule a locker drop-off. That happened and I got my ticket. In the mezzanine section, of course.
Then, came the concert. (*dun dun*) The first minute I stepped out of the car to line up, I heard fans screaming. At that point I was like, "I'm scared." Then, I got on line. It was a short wait to get in and it was PACKED. Girls and boys were squeezed into the waiting room and the first thing I needed to do was pick up my merchandise.
So, I got on the line for that and waited for quite a while before it got to us, and for some reason, they couldn't find us. I was kinda impatient, but not more than my mom who chose to say something about the shipping name or something like that. I stayed silent because, I mean, they are under a lot of stress trying to find all of this information in time. We're obviously not helping by making comments, so I silenced my mom too. He eventually found it and gave me my album. I thanked him and walked away from the line a little bit. With trembling hands, I opened my album up to check for a hi-touch ticket and there it was. I was shocked and started to just say something. Anything really. Saying something like "Oh my god. I'm so happy. I'm usually so unlucky so I thought..." I picked it up and my hands were seriously shaky, but I put it into my bag for later.
Then, I went in. There were fangirl screams. Yup, chants to get them out on the stage. I didn't join along. I was too busy making an idiot of myself at my own damn seat! Gah! *hides face in hands* So embarrassing. (Way to miss the seat butt... Way to miss. *sigh*) Anyway, I got to know the girl next to me a little better. Her name was Fanny (I hope I spelled it right *crossing fingers*) and she was a 20 year old that looked a lot younger than she said she was. She was nice, answering my questions and telling me about her kpop concert stories. She was more reserved during the concert. Opting to stand quietly and watch the concert rather than scream song lyrics, wave hands, and sway to the music like I did. Yeah...
So, the concert starts. It is freaking LOUD. It was awesome, but god it was LOUD. The sound of the beginning combined with the screams of the girls and boys blew my eardrums. Then, they came out. Their first song was One Shot. One of my favorite songs by them EVER. I had one hell of a time throughout the concert and I won't go into too much detail about it. Fun, exciting, loud, flipping out, caring towards the fans are all things that I felt about it.
Then, the hi-touch. For those of you that don't know, a hi-touch event is when you get a chance to high-five each of the members, and its like a five-second thing, but such an experience. I was nervous during the wait to go into that room and I guess so were everyone else. The two girls in front and behind me were nice, keeping me in conversation and stopping me from going too ballistic. The girl behind me had some letters to give them and her bias was Zelo. All I can say to that is, I can see why :). As for the girl in front of me, she was hella thirsty (like for real guys, don't think weird things) and her bias was Yongguk. Well, I wanted to help them out a little bit.
For the letters girl, it didn't seem likely that they would be allowed to take letters from fans, but I told her that I didn't think there would be any harm in asking. She agreed.
For the water girl, as we were walking in, I noticed a table with water. I mentioned it to her, showing it to her, but I don't remember exactly what she said, but she didn't make a move to try and get one, so I asked the man that was kind of herding us into the room.
I asked him, "Excuse me, can I get some water?" while pointing to the water bottles on the table. He handed me one and the girl took it from his grip. (Mission 1 accomplished)
Then, we actually walked in and saw them. It was kinda amazing to see them all there in person, you know? I mean, most kpop fans can only see them on the internet, but here they were right in front of us 100 lucky winners. There were two people near the front giving instructions. I asked one of them if we could give them letters.
His answer wasn't really clear, but I think he may have said to give it to the girl at the end, but I thought he said no, so I said, "Aw..." as I got back on line.
The girl with the letter was in front of me now and she asked me, "Why? Did you have something to give them?"
I replied, "No, I was just asking for you."
On a side note, why are people so afraid to ask questions? The worst thing that can happen for something like this is that they say no. I highly doubt that they would actually kick you out because of it.
Then, my turn. I wasn't as star-struck as I thought I would be. My words didn't get stuck in my throat as I thought they were, but my Korean ability completely shut off.
The first one was Zelo. My first reaction (and I said it out loud), "You are a lot taller than I thought be." They can't understand English that well, so I doubt they knew what I said, but I high-fived Zelo and told him, "Thank you." I said that to everyone of them and they said thank you as well. Meaning, 'Thank you for your support.'
To be honest, I don't feel like they had to do that. I know you are thankful. I feel your thanks. I should be thanking you for such a phenomenal 1st Kpop concert experience.
About high-fiving them though, it's like they only see you in those five seconds. They all seemed like really nice people and they didn't seem tired even though they most definitely were. I respect them for that kind of discipline, however, if you are tired, just say you're tired. We won't hate you for it! They looked right in your eyes, smiled, and told you thank you. I think I did the same back, but I keep feeling like I didn't smile and was more just staring. I don't know anymore.
I didn't get a chance to say hwaiting to them, but next time I hope. I also (along with many other people, probably) hope they remember me. I'm not a memorable person to be honest and I didn't do anything special to deserve their remembrance, still, I can hope, right? :) Then, it was over. I walked out of the room and went home.
Thank you guys for making my 1st Kpop concert experience awesome. I'll look over you guys more now and I'll try to send you a piece of mail (Yes, in English. I'm sorry, but I don't know Korean yet.) to tell you how thankful I am. Please keep it near you always :). Well, until next time.